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"مرحبا انا اسمي عبدالله، انا من السعوديه ، سافرت لكوريا للقيام ببعض الإجراءات و قمت بإجراء جراحة الذقن المزدوجة و شفط الدهون للتخلص من اللغلوغ عن طريق سيول قايد ميديكل اللي كانو معاي من اول خطوه الى نهايتها، قررت اني اقوم بالعملية هنا في كوريا لأن كوريا معروفة جدا بالجودة العالية و قاموا بعمليات منذ فترة طويلة، سبب رغبتي في إجراء عملية شفط الدهون هو لأنه من الصعب التخلص في هذه المناطق من خلال التمرين أو على نظام غذائي و اعتقد ان افضل طريقه هي إجراء عملية شفط الدهون "

سعودي | عبدالله

"انا زينب سعودية كورية، عايشة في كوريا واشارك حياتي على قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي، العاصمة سيول فيها حي اسمه جانجنام، هذا الحي لحاله في اكثر من ستمائة عيادة تجميل ، فالبنسبة لي اني اقعد ابحث على احسن عيادة تجميل تناسبني كان شبه مستحيل، فعشان كذا تواصلت مع سيول قايد ميديكل و هم اللي ساعدوني ألقى العياده اللي تناسبني و المستشفى الصح حق البروسيجر و عملية التجميل اللي ابغاها "

سعوديه كوريه |زينب البلوشي

"I had my rhinoplasty through Seoul Guide Medical and everything was awesome. The staff really took good care of me before, during and after the operation. The doctor they chose for me was perfect. The nose is how I want it. It looks much better while maintaining a more natural look. They also help me with my skin and they have become part of my monthly routine now. If you want the best, then this team is for you. There is no way I would go through this alone. I’m so glad they were there to hold my hand."

Edward Avila | YouTuber1,323,602 Subscribers

My skin looks great and my Invisalign braces treatment is improving my smile everyday. My Youtube fans keep commenting on how great my skin looks now and for my job it really helps to have straight and pretty teeth. Thank you SGM!

Jeks Coreana |YouTuber 1,456,143 subscribers

Having known Seoul Guide Medical for years now, I can honestly tell you that there is no one better to help you with skin, dental, plastic surgery, laser eye and general hospital care in Korea. I’ve gone to them for my skin care, had laser hair removal, had laser vision correction, had non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty. Filler and have been to their dentist regularly. Soon they will help me with my hair transplant as well! They are awesome!

Haeppy | YouTuberCanada

For the past 3 years, I have used Seoul Guide Medical to take care of my teeth, my skin and I chose them to help me with my Rhinoplasty as well! They fixed my broken nose from my bike accident, my skin has never felt better and my teeth don’t hurt any more. They often show up on our We Fancy Youtube videos because they have become part of our awesome life in Korea. Cheers SGM!


I am from Saudi Arabia and many of the gulf region embassies ask me to advise medical tourism patients coming from abroad. I always send them to SGM because I trust them 100%. For years they have taken care of hundreds of our people with excellent results. Our embassy and the gulf region embassies work with them as there is no one better suited to take care of our people. On behalf of the gulf region embassies here in Korea, thank you to Seoul Guide Medical.

Yaser KhalifaSaudi Arabia

SGM has helped me get all kinds of treatments here in Seoul and they take care of all my international friends. Whenever anyone needs a clinic, I point them to SGM first. They are trustworthy and there is no one more knowledgeable. They are best for a reason. SGM, thank you!

Amy AlehaCanada

I was recommended to SGM through my embassy for skin treatment and I am so happy they did! I was very scared because I can’t speak Korean well yet but they took care of me and made it so easy. I asked so many questions and they answered everything. Lots of my Mongolian friends now use this service. The SGM staff is there during the consultation in the clinic, during the procedure and afterwards as well. I want to express my thanks to SGM for everything!

Enji EldevMongolia

I came to Korea in December of 2017 for a lot of plastic surgery. Ever since I turned 60 my eyelids sagged causing me difficulty when opening my eyes, my under eye dark circles and bags made me look 20 years older and I felt so heavy. I had upper and lower eye blepharoplasty, lower eye fat repositioning, double chin lipo, arm lipo, 360 tummy lipo, leg lipo and a tummy tuck. It all turned out so well! They even accepted my request to have this video recorded as I want to show other brave men and women about my journey. They even babysat my granddaughter who came with me to Korea and she is just 1! Thank you so much for changing my life for the better!

Susan JamesCanada

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