Calf Reduction Surgery - Types, Before & After, Recovery and Cost in 2019 - Seoul Guide Medical

Often when looking at the overall appearance of someone, the legs are a large consideration of whether we will find someone’s appearance appealing or not. In particular the calves can play a large role in this.

If calves are too thick or too bulky you might feel that your legs look stumpy, or that they seemed unbalanced with the rest of your body.

It is very difficult to change the appearance of this body part as fat targeting when working out we already know is impossible, and if you build muscle this does not always guarantee a slimmer leg line.

Often we may find we may even have too much muscle accumulated in one area. In this case you may consider reducing the size of your calves through calf reduction procedures.

What is calf reduction surgery

They are a type of cosmetic surgery. Calf reduction procedure was created right here in South Korea, so many of the surgeons certified to perform this treatment will be some of the most experienced in this particular surgery. They will focus on excess fat, muscular calves, and the overall goal of reducing calf size for patients that may feel their calves are out of proportion with their body.

Calf Reduction Surgery Methods

There are a few methods used to address enlarged calves and to reduce the size of them. A main factor surgeons will consider will be if you are looking for permanent results or temporary. For non-surgical options you can consider Botox or toxin injections.

1. Calf Botox

calf botox

This treatment is simple, as it only requires a handful of injections into the calf muscle to essentially “freeze” the muscle. When the muscle does not move, it will naturally shrink over time. This treatment is not permanent as your body will naturally flush out the Botox over a couple months’ time, so you will have to continue getting the treatment in order to maintain results. This is beneficial if you are unsure about committing to a procedure and would like to see what possible results will look like beforehand. Here is a quick example of how quick and easy this treatment is.

2. Toxins

This treatment falls more along the lines of semi-permanent. It will cause the current nerves and muscle fibers to stop functioning, and therefore will shrink them, but as your body naturally heals itself it may build some muscle again. More than one session would give best results for this treatment. It addresses hypertrophy of the muscle, therefore over time as the muscle atrophies you should see a reduction in calf size.

For plastic surgery treatments there are three main tactics the surgeon will use. The results these treatments will offer will be permanent and are therefore good options if you are looking to change the appearance of your calves permanently.

1. Calf Liposuction

This is a calf fat reduction surgery. It is considered the better route of treatment for a fatty calf as it effectively removes the excess fat. This procedure is not generally helpful for a leg that has excessive muscle, as muscle cannot be liposuctioned.

In situations when there is excess fat as well as excess muscle the surgeon will mostly recommend combining both treatments to achieve the best possible results.

2. Removing calf muscle

This is mostly for excessively muscular calves. It is a calf muscle reduction surgery. The primary muscle that will show signs of shapely calves, or very bulky calves, will be the medial gastrocnemius muscle.

You can locate this muscle by standing on your toes. Your calf muscles should pop out, and if you are concerned about an oversized calf it should easily stand out. This procedure will include muscle removal, though usually only partial muscle removal, to still maintain a natural appearance of the calves.

If will take longer to recover and you should consider that your strength may decrease slightly in your legs after this procedure.

3. Neurectomy

Another way to reduce the calf is by cutting the nerves behind the knee. This reduces the overall size of the muscle by cutting the nerve, therefore not supplying stimulation to the muscle and causing it to atrophy over time.

Since the muscle is essentially never used again, it will shrink. Though unlikely, this procedure runs the risk of cutting other nerves nearby and this is why it is crucial to make sure your plastic surgeons are board certified to complete these surgical procedures.


You can expect to see an average reduction in the size of the calves of 3-7 cm. The results will vary per treatment option and individual patient. Following directions from your doctor will be most important in achieving the best results possible.

Recovery Period

This varies on if you are opting for surgical or non-surgical treatments. For surgical most of bruising and swelling should decrease within the first 2-4 weeks. For liposuction in particular, compression garments should be worn to aid the body in creating the desired shape you want.

For more invasive treatments such as cutting the muscle or the nerve it is recommended to try to stay off your feet for about a week.

Full results should start to show 6 months, up to one year after the procedure. For non-surgical treatments, results should be seen within the first month and can last up to about 6 months. For continued improvement or to maintain results they will need to be repeated every couple of months usually.

Calf Reduction Surgery Cost

The cost of this procedure will vary depending once again on how permanent the results are. For the more invasive treatments, prices in South Korea will range between $2000-$5000, while non-invasive procedures should fall around $800. This is still competitive pricing as in the United States for example, the average price ranges around $7300 for invasive procedures, and the non-invasive treatments ranged upwards of $1000.

Calf Reduction Surgery Before and After Photos

If you are interested in what results may look like for any of the mentioned procedures here are a few examples. Results will vary between individuals.

calf reduction surgery before and after

Source – The Line Clinic


If you have been feeling self-conscious for some time about the size of your calves, it may be time to consider calf reduction. There are a multitude of options, ranging from temporary to permanent in case you are still on the fence about your decision. The pricing here in South Korea is also excellent in relation to other countries. Some other considerations include how often this procedure is performed here. Not to mention the fact that most of the surgeons performing this procedure will have more experience with this surgery as it was created right here in South Korea.

If fitting into certain shoes is a problem for you, or if you refuse to wear anything that does not cover this area of your body it may be time to consider a change. The procedure is safe and effective, with minimal risk of complications. Recovery will be important, so be sure to follow all instructions given to you by your physician for maximum results to show.

It is always safe to have a consultation with your physician beforehand, and express what your exact concerns are so they may offer you the best treatment plan possible. So now, are you ready to start your journey to a happier you?

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