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Nose Job in Korea – Guide to Nose Plastic Surgery in Korea

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

The nose is a major part of our everyday life, both aesthetically and functionally. The nose makes up about 1/3 of the face and plays a significant role in how symmetric someone’s face appears overall. It also enables us to breathe comfortably and have things like a good night’s rest. It can become an area of fixation for someone who dislikes their nose and cause insecurity, as well as cause physical discomfort if it is not functioning properly. If you feel that your nose has been hindering you or holding you back, considering a nose job also known as Rhinoplasty may be an appealing solution for you.

What is a Nose Job?

This is considered an ‘umbrella name’ for a variety of operations that involve changing the nose shape, meaning it is not specific to one kind of surgery, but any that include operating on the nose. There are two main ways to categorize most nose jobs, being either cosmetic or functional. Cosmetic procedures are those that are done simply because you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose, and would like to change it, but the nose functions as usual. Functional procedures are those that are done because the nose does not work correctly, which can cause issues, particularly when breathing. 

Functional procedures can often be combined with cosmetic procedures. Often, when correcting a functional issue, a more preferred nose shape is also achieved. Once this distinction has been made, there are a variety of procedures that you can choose from for a nose job, which will be discussed further along. However, often when people are referring to nose jobs, they usually are referring to rhinoplasty, which will also be addressed. 

Surgery in Korea in Korea

A quick discussion about plastic surgery throughout history quickly shows how South Korea came to be recognized as the plastic surgery capital of the world. Beginning with the first World War, the field of plastic surgery came to be invented by a man named Harold Gillies. He created the field by helping to reconstruct the faces of soldiers who had suffered from the war. He was, however, limited since, at the time, Europe didn’t see the field as ‘necessary.’ Later, he took on an apprentice named Ralph Millard, who took over as a successor of the field by the second World War.

This all is relevant because later, Millard came to South Korea for the Korean War. Due to the limited restrictions, he was able to innovate many of the techniques practiced today on soldiers who had been disfigured at the time. Since then, plastic surgery exploded throughout South Korea, and often the country has been trendsetting in different methods used nowadays. 

Surgical vs. Non-surgical Nose Job

1) Surgical Nose plastic Surgery

a)  This method has two main approaches that used to be somewhat of a debate, but lately, there have been efforts in the scientific community to ‘simplify’ rhinoplasty. The general idea is to simplify the process to reduce the need for revision cases later, as there has been a noticeable trend in the rise of revision cases with the more options being introduced. Therefore, the two main incision site approaches are:

    1. Open (transcolumellar) 
      1. This has been the approach that most surgeons have begun leaning towards in efforts to simplify the procedure. This is because it allows full view and access to the structures inside the nose. This enables the surgeon to see all options and the best approach for each nose, particularly in more complicated cases or revision cases. However, the incision site is located on the bottom of the nose, on the column that separates the two airways. A scar may be left, though this is unlikely, and it would be virtually invisible once recovered, as seen below

how nose job done


      2. Closed (endonasal)

          1. This method is becoming less frequently used due to the difficulty the plastic surgeon has viewing the structures of the nose. Therefore, if this method is used, it is generally used for more uncomplicated cases. An advantage of this method is the fact that all incisions are made inside of the nose, so that no scars will be visible.


      b) The main issues that are addressed with surgical nose jobs are a dorsal hump, a wide tip, or a crooked nose.

2) Non-Surgical Nose Plastic Surgery

b) This method is something to consider if you are someone who does not want to have surgery, is worried about the expenses of operation, or is unsure about fully committing to a procedure. It involves no downtime, as no actual surgery is performed. It is important to mention that this method will not reduce the size of your nose. Still, it can address problems such as humps or adding volume, and often addressing these issues has the effect of seeming to reduce the size of the nose due to the increased symmetry. 

Liquid rhinoplasty is an option in which a filler is injected into the site that needs to be smoothed out or have volume added in. The main downside of this treatment is that it is not permanent; therefore, you will need maintenance treatments to keep your results.

Nose Plastic Surgery Procedure

This varies between surgical and non-surgical, but both will be addressed below.

1) Surgical

a) A benefit to the surgical method is the ability to use devices such as grafts, which help create a more defined nose. Examples of grafts include alloplasts, homografts, and autografts. Each come with their share of advantages and disadvantages, but it is found the least likely to cause complications are autografts.  

    1. Open
      1. This procedure generally takes longer since most operations involving this method are more complicated.
      2. The surgeon will cut along the columellar, as well as the inside of the nostrils, as shown below.
      3. Then skin and muscle will be pulled back to allow a full view of the structures.
      4. Depending on what procedure(s) you chose, the plastic surgeon will continue with the procedure at his discretion. 
      5. The nose will be wrapped in a splint to protect it until it is less likely to move from the chosen position.

            2. Closed

    1. This method is used for more straightforward procedures; therefore, it generally takes less time to perform. 
    2. The surgeon will create incisions inside of the nose on the columellar, as shown below.
    3. They will then proceed with the procedure(s) at their discretion.
    4. The nose will be wrapped in a splint to prevent it from moving.

closed nose job in Korea

1) Non-Surgical

a) Liquid rhinoplasty

    1. No anesthesia is required; however, local anesthesia is available at the patients’ request.
    2. The total time is 15-20 minutes.
    3. The area will be sterilized to avoid any infection, and then the surgeon will inject the filler of your choice until the desired shape and volume is achieved. 

Nose Job Recovery

1) Surgical

Immediately after surgery, expect the nose and parts of the face to experience swelling and bruising, particularly underneath the eyes. It is also not uncommon to experience uneven swelling in different parts of the face. It is essential to ice the area for the initial days after surgery, as well as sleeping with the head elevated to help with drainage and swelling. 

The swelling and bruising should have largely decreased by the end of the first month; however, there may be some residual swelling for a couple of months afterwards. Therefore, you should be attending all scheduled appointments to make sure the nose is healing correctly. You should also be cautious of touching or any rough movements such as blowing the nose or sneezing. Final results should become visible anywhere from 6 months to a year after the procedure. 

2) Non-surgical

There is virtually nothing that you need to do, and results should be mostly visible immediately after surgery, however the nose may set some more after the injections. Maintenance treatments should be done every 4-6 weeks. 

Nose Job Before and After

1) Surgical

With this procedure, any issues dealing with the nose can be addressed, particularly if it involves functionality issues, revision, complex first procedures, or any sort of minimizing of an area of the nose. 


2) Non-Surgical

This is a reminder that though results are commendable, this will not be able to decrease the size of the nose, only help smoothen it.


A nose job can be an excellent solution for you if you are dealing with both, or either, a cosmetic or functional issue. The best method between surgical and non-surgical can be chosen between you and your surgeon of choice. However, it is still crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with plenty of experience in this field. If you are feeling ready to change your nose for the better, feel free to schedule a free consultation with a plastic surgeon through companies like Seoul Guide Medical, who can put you in contact with the top surgeons in South Korea.


What types of nose jobs are there?

This is discussed in the article more in-depth, but the two main ways to separate nose jobs are if they are aesthetic or functional. From there, factors such as surgical or non-surgical, open or closed surgery, and if grafts will be needed.

Where to get my nose job?

The main priority should always be finding a board-certified plastic surgeon with plenty of experience in procedures of the nose. Getting plastic surgery in Korea is something worth considering. Due to the high volume of plastic surgery procedures performed in South Korea, specifically of the nose, it is likely that your goals of a nose job will be successfully achieved here.

Revision rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty: What You Need to Know About Getting a Revision Rhinoplasty

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

Revision rhinoplasty is commonly done in a lot of people more than we know. Plastic surgery procedures like rhinoplasty can be done by preference, but there are times when we either pick the wrong hands to perform the procedure or experience unforeseen issues. Since the nose is at the center of the face and is easily visible, no one wants it to look misshapen and in disharmony with the other features of the face. For problems that arise after a primary rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty is the best solution.

Revision rhinoplasty

What is a Revision Rhinoplasty?

According to an article in the Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 5-15% of individuals who underwent a rhinoplasty procedure also had a revision rhinoplasty. Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct the function and appearance of the nose due to healing complications, failure to fix the nasal structure properly, and mishandling after undergoing a primary rhinoplasty. This revision surgery is known to be the most challenging and complex among all facial plastic surgeries. This is because it is demanding both technically and artistically. It also requires excellent precision and proper techniques since the nose has already been altered previously with bones, cartilages, and tissues removed and replaced. This means that to be able to restore the nose to its proper function and recreate the original appearance, grafts, and rearranging of the nasal structure is inevitable.

Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

Unlike other plastic surgery procedures, a person cannot decide to have a revision rhinoplasty just because he or she wants to. Before the process, a thorough examination by the doctor is done to determine if the person needs a revision rhinoplasty or some other treatment. Individuals are only qualified for the procedure if the first rhinoplasty resulted in the following reasons:

  • An imbalance in the nasal structure
  • Disharmony of the nose with other facial features
  • Obstruction of the nasal airway
  • Cartilage or bone collapse
  • An overdone appearance of the nose
  • An asymmetrical nose
  • Over reduction or inadequate reduction
  • Excessive or inadequate projection of the nasal tip
  • A pinched tip
  • Thickened scar tissue inside the nose
  • Collapse of the external and internal nasal valve

Revision Rhinoplasty Procedure

Every revision rhinoplasty procedure is highly customized based on the patient’s functional and cosmetic goal, needs, and case. Since the operation is considered as an invasive one, general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation is used for pain management during the surgery. The revision can take around 3-4.5 hours, depending on the complexity of the patient’s case. The following are the steps done during a revision rhinoplasty:

  1. Depending on the revision needed, this procedure can be done through a closed or open rhinoplasty. Closed rhinoplasty (incisions inside the nose) is much preferred for minor corrections. On the other hand, open rhinoplasty (incisions under the nasal tip along the columella) is best for more complicated cases wherein significant parts of the nasal structure needs to be altered.
  2. Once the incisions have been created, the surgeon then does the needed revision to restore proper function and appearance to the nose.
  3. If bone and cartilage have collapsed or have been removed previously, the surgeon will take cartilage from the ear or rib to restore the nasal structure.
  4. When revisions and adjustments have been made, they will redrape the skin on the nose (if open rhinoplasty) and close the incisions using sutures. A splint is then placed on the nose for support and protection.

Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery

Following a revision rhinoplasty, your nose will be swelling and bruising at the same time. You will also be wearing a nose splint that serves protection for your nose as well as a support for its new shape. During this time, you should avoid any strenuous activity and contact sport until you are permitted by the doctor. You should also make sure to elevate your head when resting and use an ice pack to aid with the swelling. The doctor will most probably give you medication for pain to ease discomfort and antibiotics to prevent infection from occurring. Most patients are recommended to take two to three weeks leave from work so that healing could progress quickly because of proper rest. The nose will continue to heal, and you will be able to see significant improvements at around six months. However, it may take a year for full recovery and results to complete.

Revision Rhinoplasty Before and After

When done by a well-experienced and knowledgeable plastic surgeon, a revision rhinoplasty can be life-changing. As seen in the before and after pictures below, the patients’ noses have significantly improved, and the results look promising. From an asymmetrical and flat-looking nose to a more harmonious and ideal nasal shape and appearance.

Correcting a failed rhinoplasty procedure is more common than you think. Through the surgical procedure, the nose’s function and appearance are restored to help the patient become more comfortable again with his or her nose. There are a lot of reasons why revision rhinoplasty is performed, and some of those are imbalance in the nasal structure, cartilage collapse, overdone appearance, and thickened scar tissue. The procedure may involve an open or close rhinoplasty, depending on the patient’s case, as well as the use of cartilage taken from the ear or the rib. The recovery is quite the same as the recovery for a primary rhinoplasty or may take even longer. There will also be swelling and bruising and the results will be visible within six months to a year.

Since a revision rhinoplasty is much more complicated than a primary one, the plastic surgeon’s skill, knowledge, and experience are a huge factor in ensuring the success of the procedure. If you need a revision rhinoplasty, the best option is to contact Seoul Guide Medical through their website. They will be the ones to determine which plastic surgeon and clinic in Korea are best for your case. This will not only save you time in looking for a trustworthy surgeon but will also prevent you from having more revisions in the future.


When should you get revision rhinoplasty after your first rhinoplasty?

Usually, it is recommended that a revision rhinoplasty be done until healing and softening of tissues has been completed, which is within 12 months. This is because it takes a year for the nose to heal after getting rhinoplasty, and while it is healing, it continually changes and improves. Something that may be bothersome about your new nose may fade within the 12 months. However, for severe cases of complications and failed rhinoplasty, the revision may be done within four to six months after primary surgery.

Are the results of a revision rhinoplasty permanent?

After undergoing revision rhinoplasty, expect that the results will be permanent and can last for a lifetime. If the patient is still unsatisfied with the revisions, or if complications arise, further revision surgeries may also be possible. This is why having a board-certified plastic surgeon who can guide the patient correctly and help manage expectations and goals is essential to make sure that a third revision will be prevented.

For whom is a revision rhinoplasty most recommended?

Revision rhinoplasty is most recommended for someone who has undergone a primary rhinoplasty, which resulted in dissatisfaction due to cosmetic or functional issues. Individuals who are qualified for the procedure are the following:

  • Those who are in excellent health
  • Those who have realistic expectations
  • Those who want to restore the function and appearance of their nose
  • Those who are unsatisfied with the results of their primary rhinoplasty
  • Those whose septum became crooked after the primary surgery
  • Those who experience external valve collapse
  • Those who had complications during the recovery period
  • Those whose goals were not met

Lower Blepharoplasty procedure

Lower Blepharoplasty: Things You Need to Know About Lower Eye Blepharoplasty

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

Lower blepharoplasty can be the answer to a problem many people feel they suffer from, under-eye bags. This procedure has risen in popularity due to the anti-aging benefits it brings. Since the eye area is known to have the thinnest skin in our body, it usually exhibits the first signs of aging. Having sagged and puffy lower eyelids can convey the wrong emotions. It can also show inaccurate physical condition by making you look tired and fatigued even though you had enough rest. Through a lower blepharoplasty surgery, your under eyelids are not only restored in appearance but also in their functionality. 

Lower Blepharoplasty surgery

What is Lower Blepharoplasty?

lower eyelid blepharoplasty, or otherwise called lower eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that is responsible for rejuvenating the lower eyelid. The procedure is responsible for improving the shape, function, and position through the means of skin, muscle, and fat removal. Anyone who is facing problems regarding their lower eyelids can undergo the procedure, especially if the cause is genetics. This treatment can be performed due to the following reasons: 

  • To restore youthfulness to the under-eye area 
  • To enhance the symmetry of asymmetrical lower eyelids 
  • To tighten the lower eyelid in conjunct with other lower eyelid procedures 
  • To protect the eyes from dryness and other nerve paralysis problems 

Benefits of Lower Blepharoplasty

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, blepharoplasty was among the top cosmetic procedures done in the US in 2018. This would not have been possible if not for the benefits that the procedure can offer. Some of the benefits include the following:

  • It restores the youthfulness of the eyes as well as the face as a whole
  • It lessens or eliminates the look of fatigue allowing you to look healthier 
  • Enhances the elasticity of the skin in the lower eyelid 
  • Removes wrinkles and excess lower eyelid skin
  • Increase in self-confidence
  • Gets rid of puffiness and dark circles in the under-eye


Lower Blepharoplasty procedure

Lower blepharoplasty procedures are performed in the duration of 45 minutes to an hour. Depending on the patient’s case, the procedure can be paired with another eyelid treatment. It is common for lower eyelid surgery to be paired with upper eyelid surgery since when both are done together, it maintains the symmetry of the eyes. Local anesthesia is used for this surgery, and the patient is required to stay in the clinic for about 1-1.5 hours after the procedure for additional after-treatment medications and observation. It takes 3-4 weeks for the surgery area to look normal, while the full set will take place within 6-9 months from the day of the surgery. Below are the steps of a lower blepharoplasty surgery:

Lower Blepharoplasty procedure
  1. Your doctor will first show you the possible results of the procedure, taking into consideration the degree of sagging and shape of the lower eyelid fat.
  2. They then create a line or grid on your lower eyelid, which will serve as a guide throughout the procedure.
  3. They then make an incision inside the lower eyelid to gain access to the underlying fats and muscles.
  4. Once they have created the incisions, the doctor will start removing the excess fats.  
  5. If there is excess skin, they remove this as well to make sure that the remaining skin has good elasticity and will not sag sooner than expected.
  6. When all excess fats and skins have been eliminated or repositioned, they will stitch the incisions making sure that the lower eyelid skin is tightened. This results in a more youthful looking under the eye.

Lower Blepharoplasty Recovery

Right after the procedure and for one to two weeks, you may experience swelling, bruising, soreness, and tightness in your lower eyelid. You may or may not have a bandage in your eyes because of the new techniques’ plastic surgeons use that eliminates the need for an eye bandage after you have the surgery. If you are experiencing pain, inform your doctor so that they can prescribe you with oral pain medication to ease the discomfort. Before you leave the clinic or hospital, they will also teach you the proper way of applying a cold compress to your eye area to ease swelling. You will also be given eye drops, which you will administer several times a day. Other instructions your doctor may give you which you should strictly follow are: 

  • Looking after yourself by eating a well-balanced diet and getting adequate rest while you are recovering 
  • Avoid strenuous activities while your lower eyelid is still healing 
  • Clean and protect your incisions based on your doctor’s instructions 
  • Sleep with your head elevated 
  • Protect your lower eyelids by using sunscreen and dark sunglasses when you know you are going to be exposed to the sun 
  • Avoid bending for four weeks after you had the surgery to prevent a sudden increase in blood supply to your face
  • Maintain a healthy and stable weight by eating right and getting enough exercise once your eyelids have completely healed

Lower Blepharoplasty Before and After

Undergoing a lower blepharoplasty can be life-changing because of the boost in self-esteem that it brings. Its results are guaranteed to make the under eyelids smoother, and more youthful. It can also restore elasticity to the eyelid skin, which can last long with proper care. From the pictures of the patients in the before and after pictures below, it is evident that a lower blepharoplasty has fixed their problems with their under-eye bags and dark circles. You could also see that this procedure is not only meant for individuals who are in their prime age but can also be performed on younger patients. 

  Lower blepharoplasty is an anti-aging cosmetic procedure that can rejuvenate the lower eyelids and the under-eye area. It is not only for people in their forties or older but also for those who are younger. The most noteworthy benefits you can get from this procedure is that it can improve your self-esteem and make you look youthful at the same time. The procedure may be a bit invasive, and the recovery can take a month, but the results are promising for someone who has been struggling with the appearance of their lower eyelids.  For a stress-free, successful, and safe lower blepharoplasty surgery, make sure that you have it performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who has had many experiences with blepharoplasty procedures. For the top clinics and doctors in South Korea, you may contact Seoul Guide Medical through our website and let us be a part of your journey to a better appearance. 


For whom is Lower Blepharoplasty most recommended?

A lower blepharoplasty procedure can be done on anyone who is having appearance and functionality issues with their lower eyelids. To be specific, the following are those who are mostly recommended to have the procedure: Those who look tired and fatigued because of the unappealing appearance of the under-eye Those who have puffy under eyes Those who think they look older because of puffiness under the eyes Those whose self-esteem is being dragged down because of their under-eye appearance Those who are healthy mentally and physically with no medical conditions that may hinder proper healing. Those who are non-smokers or are willing to quit smoking before and after the procedure Those individuals who have a positive outlook and realistic goals Those individuals who do not have severe eye conditions that may cause complications during and after treatment

How long does Lower Blepharoplasty last?

Lower eyelid surgery is one of those rewarding eye treatments that, when done by a certified plastic surgeon, and followed with proper care, can last for a long time. While the aging process continues, no matter what treatment you undergo, your under eyelids will naturally age as time goes by.

What should I expect after a lower blepharoplasty?

After undergoing a lower blepharoplasty, you should expect that your eye area may be swollen, sore, and sensitive. You may also feel tightness in your under-eye, which is normal. If you wear contact lenses, expect that you will not be allowed to wear them while you are still recovering from the procedure.

under eye correction surgery

Under Eye Correction Surgery – What You Need to Know for More Youthful Looking Under Eyes

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

Under-eye correction surgery is one of the best ways to combat what many consider as the most unattractive features, eye bags, and dark circles. The current trend is to look young and attractive, even as you grow older. However, what do you do when at a young age, your appearance looks far beyond your years because of your eyes? The eyes have the thinnest skin and can easily be affected by improper care. Some people try home remedies with the hope that they will be effective or buy the latest skincare that promises to get rid of the bags and circles in just days, yet nothing changes. For stubborn eye bags and dark circles, the best choice would be to undergo under-eye correction surgery. 

What is Under Eye Correction Surgery?

Under-eye correction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that gives a solution to dark circles, puffiness and sagging in the lower eyelid. These issues in the under eyes are brought about by fats that have accumulated in the area because of factors like aging, genetics, allergies, pigmentation, too much sun exposure, smoking, and stress. When the aging of the eye bags is hindered, it decreases the elasticity of the skin and makes a person look older and more tired than they are. 

There are two techniques that surgeons currently use to bring back a smooth and youthful appearance to the under eyes, namely the fat repositioning and fat removal. Fat repositioning is done when the eye bags are visibly protruding or if there is a lack of volume in the tear trough. From the name itself, the fat is relocated upwards or in the hollow areas. On the other hand, fat removal is meant for excessive protrusion of under-eye bags to the point that it has begun showing dark circles as well. This procedure is done when there is too much fat that cannot be repositioned. 

Benefits of Under Eye Correction Surgery

The main goal of surgeries that correct the eye area is to improve the person’s appearance. In the case of under-eye correction surgery, it is most beneficial to a lot of people because of how it can alter the appearance positively. Some of the benefits of an under-eye correction surgery include: 

  • Increase in confidence 
  • Improvement of the facial appearance
  • Younger and livelier looking eye area
  • Elimination of puffiness under the eyes 
  • Significant reduction of under-eye bags 
  • Decrease of wrinkles and lines in the under eyes 
  • Elimination of under-eye dark circles

Under Eye Correction Surgery Procedure

Two options can be used during an under-eye correction procedure. According to Dr. Perry from the Cleveland Clinic, fat removal is an older surgical technique that corrects the under eyes. However, the technique only helps in getting rid of the eye bags and dark circles but does not fix the hallows and does not have a rejuvenating effect. For this, fat repositioning was created, which can treat eye bags, hallows, and dark circles in one procedure.  

The duration of an under-eye correction surgery is between 30 minutes to an hour. Usually, local anesthesia with sedation is used, but general anesthesia may also be an option if needed. The procedure for fat removal and fat repositioning are as follows: 

The duration of an under-eye correction surgery is between 30 minutes to an hour. Usually, local anesthesia with sedation is used, but general anesthesia may also be an option if needed. The procedure for fat removal and fat repositioning are as follows: 

 1. Fat repositioning 

  1. Fat repositioning 

    1. The surgeon first makes design as a guide and as a model to show the patient the possible outcome of the procedure.  
    2. A small incision inside the lower eyelid or the inner conjunctiva is created. 
    3. The fat is then repositioned upwards or into the hallows between the under eye and the cheeks. 
    4. The incisions are then sutured, and a bandage protects the under-eye. 

Under Eye Correction Surgery Recovery

Recovery after an under eye correction surgery is gradual and will take one to three weeks, with the outcome becoming visible after three to six months. As usual, swelling, bruising, sensitivity, tightness, and itching may be felt in the eye area for a week or more. During the first week, swelling and bruising may be severe. For this, your surgeon will recommend that you apply a cold compress to ease the swelling and elevate your head when you are lying down to prevent fluid buildup in the under eyes. These side effects gradually disappear within three weeks, and you will be allowed to work ten days to two weeks after the surgery. After three weeks, you may be allowed to wear your contact lenses and resume with vigorous activities. 

Under Eye Correction Surgery Before and After.

Most patients are satisfied with the results of under-eye correction surgery and have undergone the procedure successfully and without any complications. With the right care and maintenance, the effects of the procedure can last for a long time. As shown in the pictures below, you can see that there have been significant improvements in the patients ‘after’ photographs as compared to the ‘before’ ones. The puffiness, dark circles, and tired appearance have been replaced with a more youthful, glowing, and livelier under eyes.

Eye bags and dark circles are commonly a cause of several factors like aging, genetics, stress, and allergies, to name a few. With the use of the under-eye correction surgery, the said issues in the under eyes are eliminated through the removal or repositioning of fat. Fat removal is for excessive under eye protrusion and for fats that cannot be repositioned. Fat repositioning, on the other hand, is the relocation of the fat upward or into the hollows between the eyes and cheeks. The procedure takes around 30 minutes to one hour with the use of local anesthesia. The recovery lasts for three weeks and continues until three to six months when the results of the procedure reach the final setting. 

For unsightly and stubborn eye bags and dark circles, opt to see someone who specializes in giving solutions to this common issue like a board-certified plastic surgeon. In Korea, one of the most common plastic surgery treatments is those for the eyes. Because of this, you are assured that you are in excellent and well-experienced hands. For a consultation with the top plastic surgeons in the country, you may contact Seoul Guide Medical through their website and be ready to say goodbye to those pesky dark circles and bags. 


For whom is under-eye correction surgery most recommended?

An under-eye correction surgery is most recommended for individuals who do not like having a tired and older appearance because of their eye bags, dark circles, and under-eye hollows. Other individuals who are good candidates for under-eye correction surgery are: Those who look tired and fatigued even with enough sleep and rest Those who have problems with excess fats in the under eye Those who want to look younger and livelier Those who have eye bags that cannot be eliminated by skincare and medication Those who are aged 18 and above Those who are physically and psychologically healthy Those who do not have a serious illness that may cause complications Those who have realistic expectations of the outcome

Is under-eye correction surgery permanent?

The results of an under-eye correction surgery are not considered permanent, but only long-lasting, especially with proper skincare and habits. This is because as time goes by, the eye area will continue to age naturally and may alter the effects of the procedure.

What can you expect after an under eye correction surgery?

Just like with any surgical procedure, you should expect that your eyelids will be numb for a few hours, and will swell as well as bruise. Your eyes may also be sensitive, puffy, and watery because of what they have undergone during the procedure. For incisions that are not hidden inside the eyelid, the scars will be visible but will fade gradually through time.

Breast Augmentation Surgery – Everything You Need to Know

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

A timeless and classic example of a woman’s body part that has always been considered significant in regards to her beauty is the breasts. Though beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and can have many faces, breasts seem to be a factor that seems to weigh heavily on the scale of attractiveness regardless of the times or cultures. Unfortunately, they are not something that all women are gifted with, and even when they are they do not always look like the ideal pair. Fortunately, however, is that now we live in a time in which we have the option of undergoing breast augmentation to achieve the ideal breasts in our eyes. 

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, or as it is loosely referred, a ‘boob job’, simply means increasing the size of the breast. This can be done through two different methods, them being implants or a fat transfer. There can be a variety of reasons why women would feel they need this procedure, such as;

  • Mothers whose breasts have changed in appearance after breastfeeding; usually the breasts appear ‘deflated’. 
  • Women who have undergone the removal of breast cancer which has left one or both of the breasts significantly reduced in size. 
  • Asymmetric breasts
  • Tubular breasts
  • Women who feel their breasts are too small

Boob Job Procedure

There are a few critical steps that you must choose and take before undergoing the procedure. They are listed for you below. Regardless of what options you choose, general anesthesia will be administered, and the standard length of the procedure is 2 hours for a non-complex case. Preoperative marking will also be done. Make sure to ask your plastic surgeon the following questions.  

Location of Incision

There are three possible locations for your incision.

  • The first and preferred incision method is inframammary (IMF) due to a variety of reason such as;
  1. Less likely to cause complications.
  2. The implant is more easily manipulated by the surgeon, therefore it is placed much more exact than through the other incisions.
  3. If a second surgery is needed it is easier to do it through the previous incision site.
  4. If you know your body generally leaves thick scars this may not be the best option for you, though over time most people’s scarring will fade to a light, barely visible line. It will be hidden by the breasts natural crease as well.  
  • The second option is periareolar (the bottom of the nipple). 
  1. The scarring has the potential to blend into the nipple due to the difference present between the nipples’ color versus the skins’. 
  2. More likely to cause CC.
  1. This offers less noticeable scarring due to its location.
  2. This method is more difficult for the surgeon to manipulate the implant with, therefore exact results are more difficult to achieve. 

B. Location of Implant

There are two possible options for the location of the implant. The primary and preferred location most surgeons have is submuscular (below the muscle) due to a variety of factors such as;

  1. A more natural appearance
  2. Less likelihood of sagging  
  3. If more muscular, it may distort the shape of the implant or cause discomfort. 

The secondary location is subglandular. This location can have increased sagging in the later years of the implants course, and may show rippling as well as the nipple’s numbness increased. 

C. Texture

There are two options for texture, the preferred one being smooth. This is particularly important as one of the most common complications with breast implants is capsular contraction (CC). This is when the natural scar tissue pocket that the body forms around the implant (which is completely natural when you introduce a foreign item into your body and is what helps give the new breast its shape) hardens over time. This can cause the breasts to get that artificial appearance, as well as make them firm to the touch. More significantly, in extreme cases it can cause pain and discomfort if the pocket becomes too tight. Smooth implants are significantly less likely to cause CC. 

The second option are textured implants. The main benefit of these implants is that they claim that they do not ‘slip’ and therefore prevent sagging. However, it is important to keep in mind the increased likelihood of CC. They are also more likely to cause Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL), a type of cancer of the immune system.

D. Silicone or Saline?

This is the most common question that most people have when it comes to choosing the right implant. They both offer benefits that you should consider when choosing the correct implant for you, such as;

Silicone Saline
Most people claim the texture of this implant offers the most similar texture to real breasts when they are touched. If the implant ruptures, the body will simply reabsorb the saline, which is just salt water. The boob will immediately deflate, therefore it will be easy to know if an implant has ruptured.


It seems to offer the most natural results afterwards.


They are usually cheaper than silicone implants.


Saying this, both also have possible downsides such as;

Silicone Saline
If the implant ruptures, it is much more difficult to tell. Though the body will not absorb the silicone, the leaking silicone might migrate to other parts of the body if not caught early enough and cause further complications. This is why it is recommended that you get an MRI 3 years after your initial surgery and every 2 years after to check for a possible rupture. This is an extra cost. Some people have said they can hear the water in the breast swirling when they move.


Alternative Option for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Fat Grafting

fat grafting alternative method of breast augmentation

This technique is relatively new to the world of cosmetic surgery, therefore it is less researched and the ideal technique has not been perfect. The main idea behind this is moving extra fat from one place in your body that tends to carry most of your fat, such as your thighs, stomach or buttocks. This is usually done through liposuction. Afterwards the fat is treated through a method in which the pure fat cells are separated from other substances and fluids that are suctioned out. Once the pure fat is all that is left, that fat is injected into the desired area (in this case, the breasts), until they are full. 

This procedure offers two benefits in one, due to the fact that liposuction and breast enhancement is done at once. It also is significantly safer due to the fact that the body will not reject its own fat cells, so no adverse reactions should occur. A significant study has also recently come forward saying that women who undergo this procedure during ovulation retain almost 50% of fat, while women outside of their ovulation window will only retain 29-35% on average. 

This procedure may seem perfect, however, results can never be fully guaranteed and therefore downsides exist. Due to the fact that the body can reabsorb the fat, exactly how much fat will survive can never be truly estimated. It also tends to carry a heavier price tag than breast implants. Most significantly, the breasts can only expand so much before they become constricted. Excessively constricted fat is less likely to survive, so your surgeon will overfill the breasts knowing a good portion of the fat will die, but they cannot bring you up multiple cup sizes. At most expect half to a full cup increase in size. If your goal is to go up in size more than this, it is recommended to go with breast implants instead. 

Boob Job Recovery

It may seem like the hard work is over after sorting through all the options of what you want and what your surgeon advised, as well as after having undergone the procedure, but this stage can be considered the most critical in what the final appearance of your breasts will be. Proper care of the new breasts is crucial. These will be the general steps of recovery, but can vary between each surgeon’s preference.

  1. Immediately after surgery, your new breasts will be wrapped in a surgical bra to keep them in place for the first few days. You will have the most swelling during this stage, though there shouldn’t be significant bruising. You will also be prescribed antibiotics which you must finish the full course through to prevent any infection of the incision site. Pain killers may also be prescribed to help with the initial pain. 
  2. At your follow up consultation three days later, your breasts will be checked for progress and bandaging will be changed.
  3. The next follow up will be about seven days after surgery. At this time, you will be switched from your surgical bra to a sort of holster bra. This will help support and guide your breasts into their new shape. An elastic band will also be applied around the top of the breasts that will be tightly wrapped to help push the breasts down. You will keep this on for the first month. About 80% of swelling should also disappear after the first month.  
  4. You will be able to shower about 10 days after your surgery. 
  5. Avoid strenuous exercise for 4-6 weeks. Your surgeon will give you a more exact timeline. 
  6. After your holster bra is removed, you will be allowed to wear sports bras. Nothing with an underwire can be worn for 6 months after surgery. 
  7. You may begin massaging the breasts to help expand the pocket and prevent CC three months after surgery. 

Boob Job Before and After

As you can see there is a significant difference between the original size and shape of the breasts as compared to the final results after breast augmentation.

As you can see, a boob job offers a significant possibility in being able to change your breasts appearance. There are two options for how you want to achieve an increased breast size, the largest factor being how much you would like the sizing to change. For filling about a cup size, a fat transfer would be the most ideal. If you want to go up more than one cup size, it is recommended you get implants, or have repeat procedures of the fat transfer.

For best results, you can also combine both procedures. It is crucial not only to pick all the correct options to suit your idea of the perfect breasts, but to follow post-operative care instructions to achieve the best results. If you feel prepared to begin this process towards your new and improved breasts, feel free to contact Seoul Guide Medical who will put you in contact with some of the most renowned plastic surgeons in Korea. For some of the most natural results possible, get your breast augmentation in Korea

Facial Feminization in Korea – Everything You Need to Know!

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Facial feminization surgery is an excellent procedure for transgender women and females because it helps them feel a sense of belonging in society. In today’s time, your facial appearance matters so much when it comes to the social aspect of life. Everyone wants to belong in a way that they are comfortable with and in a way that shows their true identity. With the help of facial feminization surgery, women and transgender women who have problems with gender dysphoria can now reveal their true identity.

Facial Feminization in Korea

What is Facial Feminization, and to whom is it applicable?

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) is a group of cosmetic procedures that reconstruct facial features that appear masculine and alter them to become more feminine. This procedure can alter both soft tissues as well as the facial bone to achieve more feminine-looking facial features. Some of the procedures included in facial feminization surgery are: 

These procedures make a face look softer and more feminine by creating a more pointed chin, a less angular nose tip, and changing the shape of the skull. 

A facial feminization surgery can even be considered as a solution to women who want to have their masculine features softened to look feminine. This is also to get rid of gender dysphoria, especially in transgender women. Gender dysphoria, which, according to Dr. Agostini and his coauthors, is a “discomfort and distress arising from a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and sex assigned at birth.” In some instances, facial feminization surgery is considered more vital than sex reassignment surgeries. This is because it does more to help transgender women incorporate themselves into society as females. The foremost benefit of this procedure is the treatment of gender dysphoria in both women and transgender women. Some of the other benefits include an increase in confidence, having a sense of belongingness in society, and being comfortable in one’s own body. 

How is it done?

Not every person will need to undergo a full facial feminization as each person has his or her needs to gain the right results. Most, however, will undergo the procedures that involve bone reconstruction.

The duration of the surgery depends on the procedures that will be done on the patient. This involves non-invasive and invasive procedures for bone and soft tissue alterations anywhere from dermal fillers, fat grafting, implants, and bone reconstruction. As with every plastic surgery procedure, this should also be done by a licensed plastic surgeon. The steps during a facial feminization include the following: 


Depending on the FFS procedure to be done, the surgeon can give either local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or local anesthesia paired with IV sedation. For non-invasive procedures or more straightforward procedures like dermal fillers, anesthesia may not be needed unless the patient requests it. 

Core FFS Procedures

  • Rhinoplasty

Bone and cartilage are altered to produce a more petite nose with a slight curve. 

  • Cheek augmentation

The cheeks are feminized by defining them through fat grafting or by placing implants on the cheekbone. 

  • Jaw and Chin Contouring

As compared to a male jaw and chin that are more angled and square, a female jaw and chin are more pointed and refined. This is done by either adjusting the bone and tissue or reducing a part of the bone in the jaw and chin area. 

  • Tracheal Shave 

This is also known as the Adam’s Apple, and it is reduced to eliminate a masculine appearance. 

  • Hairline Advancement

The hairline is moved forward, and the peaks are removed to create a more rounded hairline, which is typical for females. 

  • Soft Tissue procedures 

These procedures are only done in conjunction with the core FFS procedures to enhance the results and are not perceived to signify the gender of one’s facial features. 

    1. brow lifting 
    2. eyelid surgery
    3. face and neck lift

How long does it take to recover from FFS?

The duration of recovery from a facial feminization surgery depends on the procedure/s that was done. For core FFS procedures, swelling and bruising is expected right after the surgery and may be resolved after one to two weeks. Since this is major surgery, you are highly advised to slow down with your daily activities for two weeks.

You should avoid any strenuous activities and take time off work to rest and recover properly. Your doctor will prescribe you antibiotics and pain medication, which you have to take diligently. For swelling and bruising, a cold compress is a great way to help reduce it. When going outside, make sure to wear sunblock or protective clothing for nine months to avoid any damage that the sun can cause. 

Facial Feminization Before and After

The results of a facial feminization surgery take time to be visible. Usually, you can see 80% of the outcome by three months. At six months to a year, the results will have set fully, and you will be able to see your final appearance. Just like in the before and after pictures below, you can see that the patients’ appearance looks more feminine after undergoing facial feminization surgery. Their face shows much smoother and more petite features that make them look more feminine as compared to before.

To conclude, facial feminization surgery can offer an effective transformation from a masculine appearance to a softer and more feminine one. It involves a group of procedures divided into the core FFS procedures and soft tissue procedures. The core FFS procedures are more on altering the bones, while soft tissue procedures are only conjunct procedures that help enhance the appearance. One of the most significant benefits of an FFS is the treatment of gender dysphoria. With the issue gone, patients who undergo this procedure can feel more confident and comfortable in their bodies. 

Just like any plastic surgery, for this to have successful and effective results, it should be done by a well-experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon. If you are someone who wants to undergo this procedure safely, contact Seoul Guide Medical through our website. We have plastic surgeons who are well-known and are internationally acclaimed when it comes to various plastic surgery procedures. They never fail to produce results that are of high standards. 


Can Facial Feminization also be done on the female gender?

A facial feminization surgery is currently done mostly on transgender women or males that want to transition into females. However, this can also be done on females who wish to feminize some of their facial features that look masculine.

How long until can I see the results after facial feminization surgery?

How long until the results of a facial feminization surgery can become visible depends on the procedure/s that was done. Usually, it will take three months to a year for you to see stable and full results.

Is Facial Feminization surgery permanent?

The results after a facial feminization surgery can be temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent, depending on the procedure that was done. If the procedure altered the bones, then most likely, it will produce a lasting result. If the procedure used dermal fillers, fat grafting, or implants, it will either give a semi-permanent or temporary outcome.

Canthoplasty – What Must I Know Before Getting Canthoplasty Surgery

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Canthoplasty surgery has been in popular demand, particularly with people of Asian heritage since most have inherited a slimmer eye shape. Some individuals, notably, have eyes that they feel may give the wrong impression about themselves because of them being too dull or small. If you want to improve your eyes and your overall appearance, then you may want to consider undergoing a canthoplasty surgery. 


What is Canthoplasty?

Canthoplasty originated from the Greek word Kanthos, which means the corner of the eye, and plasty, to form. In other words, canthoplasty is a plastic surgery that involves the restoration of the corners of the eyes through the means of surgery. This kind of plastic surgery is responsible for improving the shape and symmetry of the eyes to make them look bigger, brighter, and more alert. 

What is Canthoplasty?

Two types of canthoplasty procedures create horizontal changes in the dimension of the eyes. There are some instances when both types should be done simultaneously in one method known as a double canthoplasty. The two kinds of canthoplasty are the Epicanthoplasty and Lateral canthoplasty.


Also known as medial canthoplasty or inner corner eyelid surgery, it can aesthetically improve the eye area by producing a more significant, open-eye appearance, especially since it is also responsible for enhancing the results of a double-eyelid surgery.

This type of procedure also helps eliminate the Mongolian fold, which is common in South Koreans and other Asian nationalities. An epicanthoplasty should be done carefully since the inner corner of the eye is considered as the most delicate part of the eye area and is more prone to producing a visible scar after the surgery.

Lateral Canthoplasty

Also referred to as the procedure for the outer corner; eyelid surgery is a type of canthoplasty that is responsible for decreasing the degree of the eye slant and lengthen the eyes. It is usually done with lower blepharoplasty to fix the laxity and position of the lower eyelid.

This procedure can uplift a downward slanting eyelid that is most often caused by the aging process. Not everyone is meant to have this surgery since there are only particular eye shapes that are eligible to undergo this procedure.

Benefits of Canthoplasty

Canthoplasty has several benefits cosmetically and aesthetically. Some of the benefits of undergoing canthoplasty are the following: 

  • Improved shape and symmetry of the eyes
  • Gets rid of a stuffy appearance
  • Increased length of the horizontal line of the eyes 
  • Elimination of the Mongolian Folds
  • Bigger and brighter looking eyes 

Canthoplasty Surgery Procedure

The plastic surgeon in your chosen clinic will be the one to determine which type of canthoplasty procedure to use based on their analysis during your consultation; this is because the method depends on the eye shape of the patient. The surgery has a duration of 30 minutes to one hour with the use of local anesthesia. The surgeon only administers local anesthesia, but for more complex cases, the surgeon may opt for local anesthesia with sedation.

Epicanthoplasty procedure

  • The doctor will design the desired outcome during the consultation based on the patient’s eye shape, proportion, and balance. 
  • There will be a small incision done in the inner corner of the patient’s eyes. 
  • The surgeon will then remove the excess skin that causes the Mongolian folds in the inner corner of the patient’s eyes. 
  • After removing the excess skin, the surgeon will stitch the incision while making sure that the scar will not be visible. 

Canthoplasty Surgery Procedure

Lateral Canthoplasty Procedure

  • The doctor will design the possible outcome during the consultation and takes into consideration the shape and balance of the patient’s eyes. 
  • The doctor then makes a horizontal incision in the outer corner of the eyes. 
  • The excess skin is then peeled and fixated in the periosteum.
  • Removal of the mucous membrane is next; then, the incision is sutured correctly to make sure that the scar is not visible. 

Lateral Canthoplasty procedure

Canthoplasty Recovery

The recovery after undergoing canthoplasty usually takes three weeks to a month. During this period, you must take care of your eyes to avoid complications and scarring. The doctor will prescribe you oral antibiotics, ophthalmic solutions, and artificial tears. He may give you steroid eye drops, which you will only use when needed or when a part of the eye is swollen. You will also be advised only to have light showers during the healing period, and to avoid rubbing your eyes for at least one month. 

Canthoplasty Before and After

The results of a canthoplasty procedure, when done by a licensed and well-experienced surgeon, can have a guaranteed and satisfactory outcome. Also, seeing from the before and after pictures below, there is no visible scar in the eye area of the patients, which makes the surgical outcome look clean and natural. Besides, the patients’ eyes have improved to look bigger, brighter, and more alert than before, contributing to a more doll-like appearance. 


Canthoplasty surgery helps in lengthening and making the eyes more prominent. Canthoplasty is a procedure that has been in demand in Asia because of the natural eye shape of most Asians. With the two types of canthoplasty, namely the epicanthoplasty and the lateral canthoplasty, a person can achieve bigger, brighter eyes. These two procedures can offer better results when paired with other eyelid surgeries like blepharoplasty since it can make the whole appearance of the eye more balanced and proportional.

There are a lot of people who can benefit from a canthoplasty surgery. However, it is the surgeon’s call as to which type of procedure is to be used on the patient. This is because the procedures largely depend on the eye shape of the person. Just like most eye surgery procedures, epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty require for you to have the procedure under the supervision of a credible clinic. A board-certified doctor is best to make sure that the results will come out as expected. For a safe and successful canthoplasty surgery, you may contact Seoul Guide Medical for the best plastic surgeons in Korea and experience results just like the patients shown in the before and after images.


Is canthoplasty permanent?

If done carefully and correctly by a board-certified surgeon, the results of canthoplasty surgery are considered permanent, and revision surgeries are rare.

Will there be visible scars after having canthoplasty surgery?

As with every surgery, scars are inevitable, and the best surgeons always make an effort to keep surgical scars as hidden as possible in the natural creases of the skin. With canthoplasty, the visibility of the scar depends on the method used. It has been studied that vertical incisions result in visible scarring, while incisions that are parallel with the lower eyelid margin produce a less noticeable scar.

How long can you see the results of canthoplasty surgery?

There is a possibility that you will not be able to fully appreciate the results right after the procedure because of swelling. You will be able to see visible results within three weeks to a month since swelling has decreased by 90% during that time.

Mommy Makeover Surgery – What’s included, Preparation, Recovery, Before and After

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Having children can be one of the most rewarding moments in a mother’s life. On the other hand, it can also be quite discouraging to see the aftermath of what having children can do to a woman’s body. Though many mothers try their best to retain the shape they had prior to pregnancy, often, the stretching of the skin and weight gain can be inevitable, notably if you underwent more than one pregnancy. With little time to bounce back between pregnancies, or often just even one pregnancy for particularly busy mothers, it is no wonder that many mothers seek for an alternative solution to have their pre-baby bodies back. For mothers looking for this alternative, look no further than a Mommy Makeover Surgery.

mommy makeover surgery

What is a mommy makeover in plastic surgery?

A mommy makeover is a culmination of a variety of surgical procedures that are capable of restoring the mother’s body to how it once looked prior to pregnancy, or sometimes even better through body contouring. There is no specific combination that works the same for all mothers, but a general guideline of the body parts this procedure targets include:

  • the breast
  • the abdomen (abdominoplasty)
  • other areas the mother may have experienced significant weight gain in (legs, arms, etc.)

What is included in a Mommy Makeover?

We can break down the procedure according to the body part it is targeting from the ones mentioned above. First, we have breasts. Women can experience quite a wide range of results after pregnancy, from deflated breasts to breasts that remained doubled the size of their original state. Options for correcting the breasts include;

  •  Breast augmentation (through fat grafting or breast implants)
  •  Breast Lift
  •  Breast reduction

The next area of the body that is usually affected by pregnancy is the stomach. For this area the options tend to be;

  •  Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction

For any other areas that a mother gained excess weight in, and they do not have the time to correct through diet and exercise, liposuction may also be an alternative.

How to prepare for mommy makeover surgery

The best way to prepare for a mommy makeover surgery is a culmination of a variety of surgical procedures that are capable of restoring the mother’s body to how it once looked prior to pregnancy, or sometimes even better through body contouring. is to have a clear set of goals and expectations. Once this is established, it is recommended that a patient stop smoking and drinking prior to surgery. This will help with the healing process. If there are any possible complications such as high blood pressure, these should be under control prior to the procedure.

Mommy makeover surgery procedure

This will vary depending on which procedures you opted to undergo for your case. For more detailed information on each procedure, there will be an attached link provided. For a general overview of what each procedure entails, please keep reading below.

Breast Augmentation:

Fat Transfer: Here, you have a procedure that involves the combination of liposuction, to cultivate fat (therefore removing it from another area), that is then injected in the breasts. This procedure has virtually no complications as the body will not reject its own fat, but the results can vary significantly as not all the fat will survive, and the breasts can change with weight loss.

Also Check – Breast Fat Transfer & Body Liposuction Before and After Video on Seoul Guide Medical YouTube Channel

 Breast Implants: One of the most common procedures nowadays, this involves inserting either a silicone-based or saline-based implant inside of the breast. There are also a variety of techniques as to how, where, and what kind of implant would be placed.

Breast Lift

You can see some of the most dramatic changes as far as rejuvenating the breasts with this procedure. Depending on what technique you and your surgeon decide on, that will give you the results you desire; it may leave more considerable scarring behind. It is also relevant to say that many women find this method in combination with breast augmentation restores not only the shape but volume and perkiness their breasts once had, as shown in the images below.

Breast Reduction

This procedure has the main result of reducing the overall size of the breasts due to enlargement that has left the breasts aesthetically unappealing, or if they are causing a great deal of discomfort in your daily life.

Tummy Tuck:

Generally, this procedure will involve sewing the abdominal muscles together to create a firmer and flatter stomach, and cutting off any excess skin around the abdominal area. Generally, this leaves some scarring, but it can easily be hidden under the panty line.


Though there are a variety of specific methods to approach liposuction, the main goal of the procedure is to remove excess fat, usually through suctioning of the troublesome area.

Mommy makeover surgery recovery

 A primary reason that women may consider a mommy makeover may also be due to the fact that it is both time and cost-efficient. Though there are studies that are concerned about the recovery of a combination in procedures, a majority of studies disprove this concept and claim that there is no higher risk of combining procedures than having them individually done.

This is important for mothers that may have less downtime to recover from multiple procedures or that are working with a budget, as most clinics will offer some discount for choosing to have more than one procedure.

You should expect to take some time off for your recovery, particularly if you are having more than one procedure done. The surgeon and the patient will discuss in more detail the plan that will be created, as well as the expected steps to recovery. As a general rule of thumb for most procedures, expect swelling and bruising to occur for the initial first few weeks.

You may need a special bra to help shape your new breasts and a compression garment to mold your body into the desired shape after body contouring surgery. Vigorous activities should be limited until around four weeks after the initial surgery, or when your surgeon gives you the clear.

Mommy makeover surgery before and after

As mentioned, there are a variety of possible options that you can follow to reach your desired results. Some possibilities were shown above with their procedure. The image below is of a woman that had a combination of surgical procedures to achieve the ‘mommy makeover.

If you are a woman who’s been dreaming of reverting your body back to what it used to be, or maybe even hoping for improvement, it is a more than achievable dream with a mommy makeover procedure and the variety of options it entails. Though the recovery may be somewhat difficult, the procedure itself is cost and time-efficient due to combining multiple procedures into one. If you are hoping to begin this process as soon as possible, contact us at Seoul Guide Medical, where we will be more than happy to connect you with a board-certified plastic surgeon that will help you achieve optimal results.


How long does a mommy makeover surgery last?

This will vary depending on each mother’s circumstances. If you get pregnant again, many of the results will likely become undone due to the new pregnancy. Therefore, it is highly advised to undergo this procedure once you are no longer planning on having any more children. As long as there is no significant weight gain, the results should last just as they would through healthy aging.

How much weight can you lose with a mommy makeover?

It depends on which procedures you opted for. Expect for fluid retention, which is expected to occur initially, your weight may not change so much at first. If you had a breast fat transfer the scale may not change in number, but the balance between the body fat may be more proportional. If you had implants inserted, they will also slightly add to your weight. If you underwent liposuction, a maximum of 5 liters of fat is allowed to be removed from the body for safety reasons.

Do I need to lose weight before a mommy makeover?

It is not necessary to lose weight before your procedure, though it certainly can help the final results.

How long does it take to recover from a mommy makeover?

This will vary entirely based on which procedures and how many you decided to undergo. Discuss this with your surgeon once a plan of what your course of treatment will be.

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Jaw Implants – Procedure, Benefits, Recovery, and More

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Jaw implants are a good option for the improvement of the jaw’s function and contour. As compared to its non-surgical alternatives, it can give better results when it comes to longevity, appearance, and stableness. Having an improved jaw can help in balancing the facial features for an enhanced appearance. It can also make a face appear more feminine or masculine through proper augmentation. If you are someone who wants to give more definition to your jaw, then a jaw implant could be the answer. 

jaw implants surgery

What are Jaw Implants?

Jaw Implants, also known as mandibular augmentation or jaw augmentation, is a plastic surgery procedure that uses facial implants to improve the proportion of facial features. According to an article in the Yaremchuk and Chen, “Augmenting the contours of the mandible balances facial dimensions while adding definition and angularity to the lower third of the face.” This procedure is intended to balance the face by making a “weak” jaw look more angular and defined.

The procedure can be for cosmetic purposes or medical purposes such as correction of the jaw structure due to birth defects or face trauma because of an accident or injury. The most common materials used for jaw implants are silicone rubber or porous polythene. 

Benefits of Jaw Implants

Plastic surgery procedures help in improving the facial features that no other treatment and remedy can do. If you had a dermal filler treatment in your jaw to create more definition, it is highly likely that you would want to have jaw implants since it can offer better benefits than injectable fillers. Some of the benefits of getting a jaw implant include: 

  • The results are long-lasting 
  • Improvement of your frontal and side facial appearance 
  • Redefines the jawline 
  • Enhances the appearance to make it more feminine or masculine 
  • Boost in confidence level
  • Customized treatment for every patient 
  • Creates balance and symmetry within the facial features 
  • Improvement of volume in the jaw area 

Jaw Implants Procedure

A jaw implant procedure is highly customized based on the needs and goals of the patient. It can be performed alone or in combination with other facial implants and plastic surgery procedures. The operation itself lasts for about one to two hours. For the anesthesia, twilight or local anesthesia is usually used, but for more complex cases, the doctor can opt to use general anesthesia instead. The following are the steps and measures done before and during a jaw implant procedure: 

Before the jaw procedure: During the consultation, the doctor will analyze your jaw area and also screen you to know whether you are qualified for the procedure. During this stage, you will also be asked in detail what your concerns are regarding your jaw area, what improvements you feel might be best, and what your goal is after the procedure. The doctor will also tell you what he can do to achieve your goal and possibly give you other alternative procedures that may complement a jaw implant. 

Before you undergo surgery: it is best to take all the needed rest and eat the right kind of diet to boost your immune system to help with faster healing after the procedure. It is also vital to stop taking medications and supplements that may cause complications; most importantly, it is highly recommended that you quit smoking and drinking alcohol. 

 During the jaw implant procedure 

  1. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the treatment area will be cleaned and disinfected. 
  2. The surgeon will then make small incisions on both sides of the lower area of the mouth. 
  3. He then lifts the soft tissues that are sticking to the bone structure of the jaw to make space for the implant, also known as a pocket. 
  4. They will then place the customized implant in the pocket against the jawbone and secure it using titanium screws. 
  5. When the implant has been secured in its proper place, your doctor will stitch the incisions using dissolvable sutures. 

Jaw Implants Recovery

Jaw implants take a long time to heal, just like other jaw-related surgeries. After the surgery, it is expected that you will experience swelling and bruising for one to two days. Your doctor will prescribe you pain medications to ease any pain and discomfort and will advise you to apply a cold compress on the area to help with the swelling.

Since the implant and incisions were made in the area where you chew, your diet will be restricted to liquid food like soup for about two days and soft food for about ten days. You also have to make sure that you sleep face up with your head elevated to prevent the collection of fluids in the face.

If you have a desk job, you may be allowed to return to work after a week or two. Vigorous activities like exercise are only allowed after four to six weeks. During this time, you have to make sure that you do not touch or rub the area where the implant was installed to allow it to heal properly.

After six months, your skin tissues will have healed and should be binding with the installed implant. It is during this time that you will see the full improvement of your face and jaw area. 

Jaw Implants Before and After

After a jaw implant, you will not be able to see the results right away since there will be swelling and bruising in the area of the operation. You will notice the improvement gradually appear until you have fully recovered from the procedure. If you could see the before and after pictures, the patients’ faces look better after having the procedure. The results are not dramatic, only subtle, but you can still see that their jaws are more defined and symmetrical. 

jaw implants before and after

jaw implants after surgery

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A jaw implant procedure mainly helps in adding definition and balancing the appearance of the jaw and the whole face structure. The usual materials used for a jaw implant are either silicone rubber or porous polythene. The procedure lasts for around one to two hours with the incisions done inside the mouth, thus scarring is not visible. The initial recovery takes only one to two weeks, while the full recovery time can take three to six months. There should be no complications during the recovery period if you take good care of the operated area, and if you follow the doctor’s post-operation instructions. 

The results of a jaw implant may not be dramatic, but they do a lot to improve the facial balance. If you are considering a jaw implant and you want to experience the benefits that it can offer, you may contact Seoul Guide Medical through our website. We assure you that your aesthetic and cosmetic goals will be achieved through the best doctors who give results that are of international standard. 


Are Jaw Implants permanent?

The longevity of a jaw implant depends on the material that was used. If you opted for the use of human tissue, it would only yield semi-permanent results since these materials tend to age or get partially reabsorbed by the body over time. However, when silicone or polythene, also known as synthetic implants, are used, it will give you permanent results that can even last a lifetime.

For who are Jaw Implants most recommended?

Jaw implants are most recommended for individuals who have a jaw that is weak, deficient, or lacking in volume. If you had a dermal filler enhance your jaw and you liked the outcome, a jaw implant may also be recommended for you since it has long-lasting results as compared to fillers.

How long until I can see the results of Jaw Implants?

After your jaw implants procedure, you will not be able to see the full results right away because of swelling and bruising. Healing of the area will continue for 6-12 weeks. Thus you will only see the full set around three to six months after the initial surgery.

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Tummy Tuck – What You Need to Know

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

Is your abdomen area still looking flabby no matter how much you exercise and lose weight? If you have that problem, then a tummy tuck procedure might be what you need. We all know that the current trend in beauty does not only look at the shape of the face or how smooth it is, but also the shape of the body itself and its appearance.

The slimmer you are, the more you are in line with the trend. The flatter your abdomen is, the sexier you look. But what if exercise is not helping you out with your goal? How can you achieve that Miss Universe-like body with a toned and flat abdomen area? Read on and know more about the tummy tuck procedure and if this is for you.

tummy tuck

What is Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty, or more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic procedure that involves the removing of excess skin and fat as well as tightening the muscles in the abdomen area. This kind of surgery helps in smoothing and firming the abdomen area. Although the results are permanent, the results can still be affected over time by fluctuations in weight. 

The tummy tuck surgery is not only applicable to people who are considered chubby, but also to individuals with normal weight who have protruding abdomens. The cause of these protrusions in the abdomens are aging, genetics, pregnancy, prior surgery, and constant changes in weight.

Who Can and Cannot Have a Tummy Tuck?

A flat and firm abdomen is a dream for most people since that is the current trend. However, not everyone is allowed to have tummy tuck surgery because of certain circumstances. A tummy tuck procedure is allowed for you if: 

  • You are slightly obese
  • You are someone who has lost the elasticity of the skin because of aging 
  • You are a woman whose skin muscles has loosened because of pregnancy 
  • You are someone who has a protruding abdomen due to excess fat and genetics 

On the contrary, a tummy tuck procedure is not the best option for you if: 

  • You plan to lose or gain a significant amount of weight 
  • You are considering getting pregnant in the future
  • You have severe chronic conditions 
  • You have a body mass index greater than 30
  • You are someone who smokes 
  • You had an abdominal surgery that caused a scar tissue 

Tummy Tuck Procedure

A tummy tuck procedure is supposed to be done by a reputed surgeon who has expertise in the field of plastic surgery. The procedure’s duration is about 2-3 hours and uses general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. The patient is required to stay in the hospital for at least three hours after the procedure. The area of the operation will start to look normal after two months from the day of the surgery and set fully after 6-12 months. The journey to a firmer abdomen begins with a consultation with the surgeon who will examine the area to operated and discusses to the patient what will happen during the surgery. 

Step 1: Anesthesia- before the surgeon starts with the surgery proper, he will first administer anesthesia to the patient; in this case, the anesthesia used is the general anesthesia.

Step 2: Incision– this can either be an incision that is just above the pubic hairline or can go from hip to hip depending on whether it is full abdominoplasty or mini abdominoplasty. 

This requires a horizontal incision which should be between the pubic hairline and the belly button.

  • Then, the surgeon repairs and lifts the skin and other muscles in the abdomen 
  • There are times when an incision around the belly button is needed to remove excess skin from the upper abdomen. 
  • The excess skin in the upper abdomen is then pulled down, trimmed, and sutured
  • Since the skin has covered the belly button, the surgeon will make a new opening where the belly button will be popped and sutured in place


Step 3: Closing the incisions- with the use of sutures, clips, and tapes, the surgeon will close the incised parts.  

Step 4: Results- the results of the procedure shows drastic change and improvement in the abdomen of the patients in the pictures below. Results are visible as early as after the surgery. The result of abdominoplasty is long-lasting as long as the patient makes sure to maintain the proper diet and weight.


Recovery from Tummy Tuck Procedure

Partial recovery time from abdominoplasty may take up to two months while full recovery can reach up to one year. After having the surgery, there is a possibility that the surgeon will insert a tube in the area of the surgery which will be responsible for draining excess fluid.

For added success on the result, you will be required by the doctor to wear a compression garment. During the time of the recovery period, patients must as much as possible, avoid doing strenuous activities and also avoid lifting heavy objects.

Benefits of a Tummy Tuck Procedure

A tummy tuck procedure is at times associated with “mommy makeovers” since it helps women restore their figure and bodily functions after giving birth. Even though this is a cosmetic procedure, medical benefits from the procedure are astounding. Some of the benefits of having a tummy tuck include: 

  • Reduction of stress urinary incontinence
  • Urinary incontinence is a problem associated with unstoppable leaking after vaginal birth; through a tummy tuck procedure, the bladder is obstructed by soft tissue in the pelvic area, thereby reducing incontinence. 
  • Improved abdominal tone 
  • With extreme weight loss and multiple pregnancies, the abdominal muscles tend to weaken that even exercise cannot fix it; through a tummy tuck procedure, the abdomen tightens to its original state. 
  • Ventral hernia correction 
  • The intestine or abdominal tissues break once you have extreme weight loss and surgeries like a C-section pocket forms and you will need a ventral hernia correction which is a lot like a tummy tuck procedure 


There are certain instances when excess fats in our body cannot be solved by merely exercising. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty removes these stubborn fats and excess skin. However, this procedure depends so much on having steady weight since weight gain can mean the recurrence of the excess fats and skin. 

The procedure is quite complex since it will involve the whole abdomen area. Although complex as the procedure may seem, the results are guaranteed and instant as seen on the before and after pictures. The recovery for this procedure may take months and even a year depending on the complexity. What is commending for this type of plastic surgery is that the benefits are also medical-related and is not only for people who just lost weight but also for women who were pregnant and others who also had surgery before. Getting a plastic surgery like the tummy tuck may cost a lot, but we should always take note of the benefits we can reap from procedures like this not only cosmetically, but also medically.