Corrective Rhinoplasty is rising in popularity as its demand is increasing in numbers recently. The nose is one of the first things someone notices on a person’s appearance; therefore, many that are unsatisfied with their look chose to get plastic surgery regarding this issue. However, a procedure does not always achieve the desired look if not performed by the right surgeon. Corrective Rhinoplasty can solve any dissatisfaction or complications that can occur from a past surgery regarding the nose.
What is Corrective Rhinoplasty?
Corrective Rhinoplasty, also known as revision rhinoplasty, is an aesthetic plastic surgery procedure for correcting previous rhinoplasty surgery if complications occurred or the desired results were not achieved.
Corrective Rhinoplasty is a challenging procedure as the nose has already been reshaped through surgery once. Thus revision nose correction surgery is treated very carefully by a specialist in this matter since it is so complex to meet the aspired results of the patient and to preserve normal breathing.
Corrective Rhinoplasty in Korea
Korea has the highest density of Rhinoplasty done in the world. Plastic surgery has nowadays become a part of the culture, and having your nose done is no big deal at all.
As the surgeons in South Korea are specialists in what they do, their skill is sought by many inside and outside of Korea. Corrective Rhinoplasty is said to be one of the most challenging plastic surgeries to do, requiring advanced reconstructive techniques and a careful study of the previous surgery the patient had. However, with years of training and having a hundred thousand surgeries done, South Korean surgeons and their precise skills are worth trusting even in cautious operations such as Corrective Rhinoplasty.
What is/are the main cause/s of corrective Rhinoplasty?
The main reasons why people choose to get Corrective Rhinoplasty done are dissatisfaction or complications that occurred after a previous Rhinoplasty surgery.
One of the main complications to be had is the side effects of a foreign implant, such as silicone, due to Rhinoplasty. It can happen that after some time post-surgery due to the Rhinoplasty technique, the skin can get thinner or red. Another complication can be trouble while breathing as the original shape of the nose was changed deforming the cartilage, breathing difficulty could occur. It is essential to note that Rhinoplasty itself is, in general successful, and complications like this do not happen often. The nose is a complex structure; to fulfill the aesthetic goal of the patient on the first try can be confronting.
Moreover, Corrective Rhinoplasty is done by patients that want to get either more change or are just simply not happy with their previous surgery and still experience cosmetic deformities.
How is corrective Rhinoplasty done?
Before any surgery, consultation with a specialist is necessary. The doctor will look carefully at your medical records to decide whether a Corrective Rhinoplasty is suitable or not. If yes, there will be a preoperative plan made adjusted to the patient’s desired result.
Corrective Rhinoplasty is done under general anesthesia. Incisions from the inside, and sometimes from the outside, are made. As cartilage plays an important role, instead of using foreign implants and the remaining septal cartilage, surgeons prefer to use natural materials such as cartilage from other parts of the body. This prevents further tissue scarring and side effects. The bone and cartilage are carefully reshaped to make a beautiful looking nose but also to protect the airways for breathing.
The intention is to improve the appearance of the nose but, at the same time, preserve normal breathing functions and achieve results the patient desires. The surgery lasts about 1-3 hours, depending on the complexity of the previous nose job.
Corrective rhinoplasty recovery time
The healing process is similar to Rhinoplasty but slightly longer. In the first week, it is essential to rest. As the nose was operated before, a second surgery in the form of revision rhinoplasty will lead to more swelling and bruising; overall, the first week will be less comfortable. The most severe irritation should fade away after approximately 7-10 days. Still, it takes about three months for the swelling on the upper nose part to decrease. Keep in mind that slight swelling can take up to one year to be gone for good. However, you will be informed on how to reduce the swelling. For example, applying ice packs on the forehead is advised. Stitches will be removed after a week post-operation, and you will be allowed to do light work again.
Improvement will start to be visible within a couple of months, but the results will be definitive in about a year or two. It is unclear to say how long the recovery process will exactly take as Corrective Rhinoplasty is adjusted to every individual’s needs, and therefore the healing time can vary. In general, patients report that secondary Rhinoplasty is less painful than the primary one.
Corrective Rhinoplasty Before and After
Before undergoing Corrective Rhinoplasty, the nose already was operated to look aesthetically pleasing. Often it can come to cosmetic concerns such as a twisted nose or redness, also breathing problems can make the previous results unpleasant.
The result after Corrective Rhinoplasty is a smooth, natural-looking nose that fits into the patient’s expectations giving a great impression to the face and correcting the air passages, so air flows freely.
Rhinoplasty itself does not always ensure the perfect outcome without complications. Corrective Rhinoplasty repairs the shape and internal functions, resulting in a beautiful natural-looking nose. As it is a more complicated procedure than others, it is crucial to have a highly skilled surgeon with a lot of experience in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty.
In South Korea, Corrective Rhinoplasty belongs to one of the most done procedures for people all over the world, as they seek only the best quality. If you are considering Corrective Rhinoplasty with outstanding results in South Korea, don’t hesitate to contact Seoul Guide Medical on our website. We are in contact with high qualified surgeons ready to help you.
For whom is corrective Rhinoplasty most recommended?
Corrective Rhinoplasty is recommended for patients that are dissatisfied with their previous surgery, such as Rhinoplasty, to achieve a natural shape. It is also suitable for patients that have a foreign implant in their nose, experience skin redness, and a deviated or pinched nose. Also, to mention, if you are a patient considering Rhinoplasty, be open to revision rhinoplasty as well since the first nose job does not always promise the fully desired result.
Is corrective Rhinoplasty permanent?
Corrective Rhinoplasty results are long-term results. The procedure uses a 'natural filler' (cartilage from other body parts), which is permanent. So yes, like Rhinoplasty, Corrective Rhinoplasty is permanent as well.
Can corrective Rhinoplasty change any nose deformities?
Corrective Rhinoplasty corrects cosmetic and functional deformities that were not corrected/got worse from a previous nose related surgery. If you are considering revision rhinoplasty, you should wait at least one year after your last nose procedure to make sure no more complications could occur. However, in some cases, it is possible to undergo Corrective Rhinoplasty after six months of primary Rhinoplasty.