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nose plastic surgery in korea Archives - Seoul Guide Medical

Nose Job in Korea – Guide to Nose Plastic Surgery in Korea

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

The nose is a major part of our everyday life, both aesthetically and functionally. The nose makes up about 1/3 of the face and plays a significant role in how symmetric someone’s face appears overall. It also enables us to breathe comfortably and have things like a good night’s rest. It can become an area of fixation for someone who dislikes their nose and cause insecurity, as well as cause physical discomfort if it is not functioning properly. If you feel that your nose has been hindering you or holding you back, considering a nose job also known as Rhinoplasty may be an appealing solution for you.

What is a Nose Job?

This is considered an ‘umbrella name’ for a variety of operations that involve changing the nose shape, meaning it is not specific to one kind of surgery, but any that include operating on the nose. There are two main ways to categorize most nose jobs, being either cosmetic or functional. Cosmetic procedures are those that are done simply because you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose, and would like to change it, but the nose functions as usual. Functional procedures are those that are done because the nose does not work correctly, which can cause issues, particularly when breathing. 

Functional procedures can often be combined with cosmetic procedures. Often, when correcting a functional issue, a more preferred nose shape is also achieved. Once this distinction has been made, there are a variety of procedures that you can choose from for a nose job, which will be discussed further along. However, often when people are referring to nose jobs, they usually are referring to rhinoplasty, which will also be addressed. 

Surgery in Korea in Korea

A quick discussion about plastic surgery throughout history quickly shows how South Korea came to be recognized as the plastic surgery capital of the world. Beginning with the first World War, the field of plastic surgery came to be invented by a man named Harold Gillies. He created the field by helping to reconstruct the faces of soldiers who had suffered from the war. He was, however, limited since, at the time, Europe didn’t see the field as ‘necessary.’ Later, he took on an apprentice named Ralph Millard, who took over as a successor of the field by the second World War.

This all is relevant because later, Millard came to South Korea for the Korean War. Due to the limited restrictions, he was able to innovate many of the techniques practiced today on soldiers who had been disfigured at the time. Since then, plastic surgery exploded throughout South Korea, and often the country has been trendsetting in different methods used nowadays. 

Surgical vs. Non-surgical Nose Job

1) Surgical Nose plastic Surgery

a)  This method has two main approaches that used to be somewhat of a debate, but lately, there have been efforts in the scientific community to ‘simplify’ rhinoplasty. The general idea is to simplify the process to reduce the need for revision cases later, as there has been a noticeable trend in the rise of revision cases with the more options being introduced. Therefore, the two main incision site approaches are:

    1. Open (transcolumellar) 
      1. This has been the approach that most surgeons have begun leaning towards in efforts to simplify the procedure. This is because it allows full view and access to the structures inside the nose. This enables the surgeon to see all options and the best approach for each nose, particularly in more complicated cases or revision cases. However, the incision site is located on the bottom of the nose, on the column that separates the two airways. A scar may be left, though this is unlikely, and it would be virtually invisible once recovered, as seen below

how nose job done


      2. Closed (endonasal)

          1. This method is becoming less frequently used due to the difficulty the plastic surgeon has viewing the structures of the nose. Therefore, if this method is used, it is generally used for more uncomplicated cases. An advantage of this method is the fact that all incisions are made inside of the nose, so that no scars will be visible.


      b) The main issues that are addressed with surgical nose jobs are a dorsal hump, a wide tip, or a crooked nose.

2) Non-Surgical Nose Plastic Surgery

b) This method is something to consider if you are someone who does not want to have surgery, is worried about the expenses of operation, or is unsure about fully committing to a procedure. It involves no downtime, as no actual surgery is performed. It is important to mention that this method will not reduce the size of your nose. Still, it can address problems such as humps or adding volume, and often addressing these issues has the effect of seeming to reduce the size of the nose due to the increased symmetry. 

Liquid rhinoplasty is an option in which a filler is injected into the site that needs to be smoothed out or have volume added in. The main downside of this treatment is that it is not permanent; therefore, you will need maintenance treatments to keep your results.

Nose Plastic Surgery Procedure

This varies between surgical and non-surgical, but both will be addressed below.

1) Surgical

a) A benefit to the surgical method is the ability to use devices such as grafts, which help create a more defined nose. Examples of grafts include alloplasts, homografts, and autografts. Each come with their share of advantages and disadvantages, but it is found the least likely to cause complications are autografts.  

    1. Open
      1. This procedure generally takes longer since most operations involving this method are more complicated.
      2. The surgeon will cut along the columellar, as well as the inside of the nostrils, as shown below.
      3. Then skin and muscle will be pulled back to allow a full view of the structures.
      4. Depending on what procedure(s) you chose, the plastic surgeon will continue with the procedure at his discretion. 
      5. The nose will be wrapped in a splint to protect it until it is less likely to move from the chosen position.

            2. Closed

    1. This method is used for more straightforward procedures; therefore, it generally takes less time to perform. 
    2. The surgeon will create incisions inside of the nose on the columellar, as shown below.
    3. They will then proceed with the procedure(s) at their discretion.
    4. The nose will be wrapped in a splint to prevent it from moving.

closed nose job in Korea

1) Non-Surgical

a) Liquid rhinoplasty

    1. No anesthesia is required; however, local anesthesia is available at the patients’ request.
    2. The total time is 15-20 minutes.
    3. The area will be sterilized to avoid any infection, and then the surgeon will inject the filler of your choice until the desired shape and volume is achieved. 

Nose Job Recovery

1) Surgical

Immediately after surgery, expect the nose and parts of the face to experience swelling and bruising, particularly underneath the eyes. It is also not uncommon to experience uneven swelling in different parts of the face. It is essential to ice the area for the initial days after surgery, as well as sleeping with the head elevated to help with drainage and swelling. 

The swelling and bruising should have largely decreased by the end of the first month; however, there may be some residual swelling for a couple of months afterwards. Therefore, you should be attending all scheduled appointments to make sure the nose is healing correctly. You should also be cautious of touching or any rough movements such as blowing the nose or sneezing. Final results should become visible anywhere from 6 months to a year after the procedure. 

2) Non-surgical

There is virtually nothing that you need to do, and results should be mostly visible immediately after surgery, however the nose may set some more after the injections. Maintenance treatments should be done every 4-6 weeks. 

Nose Job Before and After

1) Surgical

With this procedure, any issues dealing with the nose can be addressed, particularly if it involves functionality issues, revision, complex first procedures, or any sort of minimizing of an area of the nose. 


2) Non-Surgical

This is a reminder that though results are commendable, this will not be able to decrease the size of the nose, only help smoothen it.


A nose job can be an excellent solution for you if you are dealing with both, or either, a cosmetic or functional issue. The best method between surgical and non-surgical can be chosen between you and your surgeon of choice. However, it is still crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with plenty of experience in this field. If you are feeling ready to change your nose for the better, feel free to schedule a free consultation with a plastic surgeon through companies like Seoul Guide Medical, who can put you in contact with the top surgeons in South Korea.


What types of nose jobs are there?

This is discussed in the article more in-depth, but the two main ways to separate nose jobs are if they are aesthetic or functional. From there, factors such as surgical or non-surgical, open or closed surgery, and if grafts will be needed.

Where to get my nose job?

The main priority should always be finding a board-certified plastic surgeon with plenty of experience in procedures of the nose. Getting plastic surgery in Korea is something worth considering. Due to the high volume of plastic surgery procedures performed in South Korea, specifically of the nose, it is likely that your goals of a nose job will be successfully achieved here.

Nose Plastic Surgery in Korea – Everything about Rhinoplasty

By | Plastic Surgery | No Comments

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is generally referred to as a ‘nose job’ . Nose plastic surgery procedure aims to correct any anatomical issues with your nose that may be causing you to distress physically, or simply reducing the quality of your everyday life. Some patients opt to get this procedure to correct underlying issues, such as breathing problems. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly more common to get Rhinoplasty for a more aesthetic appearance to your facial features.

Why should you get your Rhinoplasty procedure in South Korea?

South Korea has recently become the capital of plastic surgery due to its reputable doctors and extremely low prices. There are also services such as free online consultations or over the phone consultations so that there can be a plan set for you before you ever step foot in the country. This can really alleviate a lot of the stress of getting procedures done abroad, as no one wants to waste their time or money visiting foreign clinics and come back home empty-handed and with the same nose.

But I don’t speak Korean?

Don’t worry! Most of the staff at clinics in Korea should have a basic level of English, and more often than not, the doctors got their degrees in an English speaking country, so their English is quite sharp. A commodity that is popping up in many clinics as of lately as well is having in-clinic consultants that speak both Korean and English (and oftentimes another language).

seoul guide medical patients

These are life-savers for many patients, as often a fear of getting a procedure done in a foreign clinic is having miscommunications and not being able to receive the exact results desired. It’s also comforting to have someone make sense of everything happening around you and answer any questions you may have directly. They pretty much hold your hand through-out the whole process so you have no doubts or concerns whatsoever from the first step to the last.

Is there only one kind of Rhinoplasty? Which procedure is best for me?

Luckily, there is a form of Rhinoplasty for just about any issue you might have with your nose. Most surgeries can be divided into two types: closed or open.


Types of Nose Plastic Surgery

two types of nose plastic surgery in Korea

  • Closed Surgery

This procedure is often used for more minimally invasive forms of Rhinoplasty. The doctor would make their incision inside the nose.

  • Open Surgery

This procedure is used more so for extensive or combined Rhinoplasty procedures. This is also usually used for revision cases.

The doctor will let you know which of the two they find more appropriate for your specific treatment plan. There are quite a few specific options to adjust the nose to get the ideal shape you desire as well. Some of the most common procedures you will probably find are:


This mostly consists of fixing the bridge of the nose. It focuses on adjusting the width and support of the bridge, but it often is used with hump reduction and deviation correction since all of the procedures work to fix the bridge of the nose.


As you probably guessed, this addresses any issues that you may have with the tip of the nose. This can range from lifting, lowering, to creating a whole new tip if necessary.

This can be important when performing on the bridge of the nose as often the tip will sag after surgery due to changing the main support of your nose (the bridge), so initially getting it with your other procedures helps to maintain a strong nose with long-lasting results.

Hump Reduction

For Hump Reduction procedure, the focal point would be the hump, or ‘bump’, that some noses have when looking at them from the side. Most of these procedures will shave the hump down to allow you to have a smoother nose.

Deviation Correction

Often breathing issues can arise from having a deviated, or not straight nose. Just as often, most people feel the nose is asymmetrical and does not match their face well so they choose to correct this issue. This surgery corrects any curve the nose might have looking at it straight on.

Will Rhinoplasty give you scars?

This depends entirely on the kind of procedure you get (open or closed), but mostly the answer will be no. As mentioned above, closed surgery works entirely from the inside of the nose, so no scar will be visible.

As for open surgery, there may be a scar left at the beginning of the septal wall, but it will be so minuscule and faded in color by the time the full results are seen that it would be quite difficult for anyone to notice it. For more extensive or corrective procedures the scarring may vary.

How long will it take to see the results?

On average, the stitching and any casts will be removed about a week after surgery. This means that you would have to stay in South Korea for a minimum of a week or so, so your doctor may remove your stitches and have check-ups on you. You should consider this if you are a busy person and taking time off will be an issue.

The good news is, a lot of holidays in foreign countries don’t overlap with the ones here, so the clinics will most likely be open for them. Almost all patients will have bruising and swelling for the consecutive weeks following the removal of the stitching. About 3-4 weeks post-op the bruising should have faded and the swelling should have decreased some.

Expect to see your new nose as it truly is around 3-6 months after your Rhinoplasty procedure, as all swelling should have disappeared by then.

What is the average price for Rhinoplasty in South Korea?

This is often the driving point in many people’s decisions on where to get their procedure. The good news, the prices favor the patient here in South Korea. The range can vary depending on if you are having corrective surgery or if this is your first Rhinoplasty procedure, and if you are having more than one procedure done simultaneously.

On average, the prices fall between $2000-$4000 for a simple operation. If you are having multiple operations at once expect the figure to increase to around $6000-$10000. This is quite impressive in comparison to average prices in the United States and many other countries. In other countries, you can expect $5000-$10000 to be the standard price for a first time, simple operation.

Are there alternative procedures if I don’t want to have surgery?

nose fillers alternative method for nose job

Having a concern about getting surgery is an entirely normal thing to have. Most people with this fear are concerned about having their face botched, but some may even be afraid of something as simple as going under anesthesia. If you find yourself with these concerns, an option that may seem more appealing to you would be fillers.

These fillers are not permanent, but most will last from 6 months to 1 year. If you are not satisfied with your final results you can get touch-ups, or completely dissolve the filler and have your old nose back. This is also a good way to test if the nose you have always dreamed of really suits your face prior to making a more permanent decision.

All in all, Rhinoplasty in South Korea is one of the more routine procedures with minimal risk of something going wrong. The prices are competitive and worth having a second thought about. Not to mention the delicious food in this country you can sample while you’re waiting to have your stitches removed. Of course, you should always consult with a doctor before committing to any procedures and discuss what treatment options would be best for you to minimize any risks.

Nose Job in Korea – Before & After

ptosis correction and epicanthoplasty in korea with seoul guide medical